T. Dewitt Talmage lived and preached in the late 1800s. He was a sensational preacher that pushed people to re-examine their walk with God. By some he was called a "pulpit clown," but thousands flocked to the places he preached.
His sermon, "The Spider In The Palace," shows us the majesty and glory of God in this unique and different kind of sermon. Special thanks to Henry Knox for preaching this sermon. Henry Knox Jr. was born and raised in a small inner-city area called Oak Cliff, in Dallas Texas. Although Henry was brought up in the church, he did not come to true repentance and saving faith until 2007. After being compelled into the faith, and with a deep desire to share the gospel with others in the community from which he was raised, he founded a ministry in 2013 named Christ Infinite Vision. By God’s providence he currently serves as an Elder at Ecclesia Church of Dallas where their local church mission has been to evangelize neglected communities while providing God centered teaching, discipleship, and education. Henry continues to strongly believe the eternal truth that salvation is in Jesus Christ alone, and the preaching of the Gospel is the only message unto salvation. Henry is husband to a loving wife Nicole, and the father of three beautiful children.
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Revived Thoughts
Joel and Troy answer questions from you, the listeners! We have never done an episode like this but listen up as we answer: Why don't we have episodes featuring women speakers? How did we meet? (And how we met our spouses!) Who we think the most heretical preachers in history are? How does the ...
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John Taylor was a pioneer pastor on the edge of the frontier in Kentucky. This sermon was given at the funeral of a friend and fellow pastor, Absalom Graves, who gave the first call to foreign missions in Kentucky's history. We want to say a big thank you to Justin Scott Rea for reading this se...